Diolch am ymweld.

I’m Kanishka, Labour’s MP for the Vale of Glamorgan.

Based in Barry, I am in politics because it shaped my life growing up in Cardiff.

A minimum wage gave my family dignity. We gave back to quality public services: my brother in the NHS, my parents helping families seek justice, me serving in our civil service.

Having knocked over 30,000 of our neighbours’ doors in the last year, I have heard a common message: it’s time for change. Our economy has been crushed. Our security weakened. Our belief in integrity shredded. After 14 Tory years, we need a different politics.

I hope to offer that change. It is the privilege of my life to have the Vale’s support as our MP. I will do everything to deepen that trust and to make a positive difference.

Ymunwch â mi!


A surgery appointment with an MP (Member of Parliament) is a chance for constituents to meet with their MP to discuss concerns, issues, or problems they might have. It’s not a medical surgery, despite the name!

It's a personal meeting where your Vale of Glamorgan MP, Kanishka Narayan, can listen to your concerns and try to help. It’s a chance for you to have a direct line of communication with the person elected to represent your area in Parliament.


During the meeting, you can raise your concerns or questions whether that is national policies or personal issues. Kanishka Narayan will provide advice, offer support, or take action on your behalf, if it’s something we can help with, such as writing a letter, raising an issue in Parliament, or connecting you with relevant services. Please provide some information in the box below as to the nature of your concern, which will help us best prepare for your appointment.


Kanishka Narayan MP holds surgeries across the Vale. These appointments are typically held in accessible, community facilities or sometimes virtually. Please indicate on the form below whether you would prefer an in-person appointment or an online appointment. Also, please also indicate your preferred location and we will look to offer you an appointment in that area.


Please complete the below form, which will enable us to process your request and offer you the next, relevant surgery appointments. We look forward to hearing from you. https://forms.gle/WbWbkeCsGwjF5CCQA

My story // Fy stori

I grew up in South Wales and live in Barry. I have travelled for study and work, but Wales has been the one constant. Cymru wedi bod yn gyson. It’s where I live.

It is where I mentor state school students applying to universities each year, something I have done for over a decade. It is where my mum and dad still live. It is where my family and I volunteer.

My Focus: Community First

As a volunteer, I have seen our rugby clubs, churches and community centres do so much with such little help. They are the glue that binds us. I will put them first in everything I do.

My Focus: Good Local Jobs

Our economy has been badly mismanaged by Westminster. I will fight for good green and digital jobs here in the Vale.

Fourteen years of Tory government have starved us of police attention. I will fight for community policing to cut crimes and support victims.

My Focus: Safe Neighbourhoods

Kanishka is the Labour MP for the Vale of Glamorgan, after a career in senior government and private sector roles.

In government, Kanishka advised ministers on domestic public policy, as Senior Adviser at the Cabinet Office and as Expert Adviser to Britain’s Environment Secretary. He also advised the Labour Party frontbench as Head of Tech Policy.

In business, Kanishka advised and invested in climate and fintech start-ups across Europe and the US, and previously advised FTSE boards, sovereign finance ministries and start-up founders at Lazard.

Kanishka grew up and lives in South Wales, studied at Oxford and Stanford universities, and is passionate about social mobility and social justice. He ran a national campaign to help British high streets during the national COVID-19 lockdown and has published national research on helping households in severe debt. 

My Work